Uusi Verso in English

Uusi Verso is a Christian community located in Tampere, Finland. We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. At Uusi Verso, we believe everyone has important talents and gifts needed to build our church. Together we want to learn more about God and figure out ways to serve the people of Tampere.

Uusi Verso hosts church services every Sunday in either Pispala Church or Hervanta Church. Both services are held in Finnish, but translation into English is provided on site. Services at Pispala start at 17.00 and they are held on uneven weeks. Services at Hervanta start at 17.00 and are held on even weeks.

Besides church services Uusi Verso has various groups, which get together during the week. For non-Finnish speakers we currently have especially two groups, a bible study group and Elämän suola - a small community for Arabs. If you would be interested in joining or starting a new group, please contact Riku Rantanen (050 362 2692, riku.rantanen(at)evl.fi).

Whoever you are, you are most welcome to join our community! If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of Uusi Verso staff.